CD Monday

Trojan Sampler

Starting a new tradition: CD Mondays.


  • Every Monday, I’ll pick a CD to keep in my car stereo for the week. I tend to listen to NPR when I’m in the car, but I like the idea of having a go-to alternative to the radio that changes regularly, and I like even more the idea of Mondays feeling less like the end of the weekend and more like a beginning.
  • Despite a recent purge, I still have a shit-ton of CDs in my house. I’m hoping this will get me to sort through the ones sitting in binders that weren’t part of the purge.
  • At the end of the week, I can decide whether to keep the thing, upload it and toss it, or pitch it. Maybe I’ll even update the week’s post with the verdict.
  • If I’m taking pictures of CDs while sitting in my car, I’ll have to actually clean the inside of my car — something that hasn’t happened in… a year? Years? Obama’s first term? I don’t even know.

Kicking this thing off with the Trojan Records sampler BK Music was giving out on Record Store Day. I went to BK with bandmate 4-eva Doug, who got the Rude Boy Rumble compilation Trojan released on Saturday, and while I’ve yet to hear that, I’m enjoying the hell out of this freebie. (I don’t know a ton about reggae, so a sampler is more my speed.)

Check out track 3 below, John Holt’s “You Baby.”

John Holt — “You Baby” [Soundcloud/iTunes]

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